Bases Jose Maria Sarriegi Award

Inicio / Premios FAE / Premio José María Sarriegi / Bases Jose Maria Sarriegi Award
Article 1. Call for papers.
TECNUN and the Cátedra de Catástrofes de la Fundación Aon España call for the 6th edition of the Jose Maria Sarriegi Major Catastrophe Research Award.
Article 2. Requirements and conditions for the applicants.
- According to these bases, in the 2024 call, researchers that submit their own research according to the criteria established in Article 3 and the documents established in Article 4 may opt for the award.
- The papers may have one or more authors.
- The papers may have been addressed from any discipline.
Article 3. Requirements for the papers.
3.1. Papers must be written in Spanish or English. In addition, they must have a scientific article structure, and must be previously published in SCOPUS or Web of Science indexed journals between 2022 and 2023.
3.2. Each applicant can send a maximum of two articles as first author.
3.3. Papers must address research related to major disasters, both those derived from nature and those generated by human action. The works may address aspects that contribute to the anticipation, prevention, management, and response in major catastrophes.
3.4. In order to submit, the applicant must send a digital copy of the published paper as established in Article 4 of these bases.
Article 4. Submission documents.
4.1. The deadline for submitting the application and the required documentation to opt for the award is the 30th September 2024. If the organizing entity decides to change the aforementioned date, such change will be announced in sufficient advance in the Fundación Aon’s web page (URL: )
4.2. To opt for the award applicants must send by e-mail (, the following documents:
- A copy of the published paper.
- Complementary Information: indexing database, publishing journal, journal’s impact factor, and journals position in its category.
4.3. The article’s copy described in the previous section must be sent in PDF format to the following e-mail address:
4.4. Failure to comply with the deadline or the lack of any document indicated in section 4.2 will be grounds for exclusion of the applicant in the evaluation process.
4.5. Within one month of the closing of the call, applicants will receive confirmation of the acceptance of their submission to the award by email.
Article 5. Evaluation criteria.
The following criteria will be taken into account when evaluating the articles:
- Degree of adequacy of the content of the article with the topics proposed for the Award (this first year will be Climate Change).
- Methodological rigor of the research.
- Results.
- Quality of the journal in which the article has been published (impact factor, position of the journal in its category, etc.).
- Useful contribution of the paper’s results to the society.
Article 6. Prize.
6.1. The award has a prize of 1.000 euros, sponsored by the Fundación Aon España. The legally established withholdings will be applied. In addition, an accreditation diploma will be given.
6.2. If the submitted paper is a collaboration of several authors, it is assumed that the prize will be prorated among them. If the authors wish to apply different distribution criteria, they must communicate so by sending an e-mail to the following address:
Article 7. Evaluation committee.
The evaluation committee is composed of members of Fundación Aon España and professors from TECNUN. The composition of the committee will ensure impartiality and will present no conflicts of interest in every step of the process.